Entries by ALB1970

‘You need a little jump of electrical shockers…’

I feel incredibly lucky and incredibly stupid today having just narrowly escaped possibly killing myself by electrocution through being really really stupid. Last weekend I hung the TV on a bracket in the corner of the room but the wiring was really untidy looking so this weekend I decided to neaten it up which meant […]

Brereton Sand Quarry

On a cold and wet Bank Holiday Monday we decided the weather wasn’t going to beat us so off we went to Brereton to walk around the lake and feed the ducks Reagan is really keen until they advance on mass for the bread she has then it’s ‘run for your lives’ lol Lincoln loves […]

24 Hours does make a difference

24 hours after Daddy’s poor start to a day and I had both Reagan and Lincoln this morning to contend with and it was so much easier. Reagan still tried it on refusing everything she asked for and I willingly got and laid it in front of her only to be greeted with NOOOOOO! I […]

Not a good day for Daddy

Woke at 06:01 by Reagan creeping to the gate of her bedroom, so got straight up to avoid her waking anyone else. We crept down stairs and she asked for a yogurt which I willingly supplied but suggested sitting in front of the TV as it was Sunday and very early to which she agreed […]

Reagan is such a big girl

This morning potty training took a giant leap forward when she did poopies for the first time so Mommy decided it was time for big girl pants so it was off to Crewe after breakfast for some retail therapy. Question: How can some much come out of something so small? Thought: This potty training is […]